On-Site Solar Solutions
Our solutions are ideal for businesses looking to shrink electricity bills. A solar installation is designed in-line with the client’s site specifications and energy consumption patterns.
Our on-site solutions include Rooftop solar, Ground Mount Solar, BIPV (Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics) and Solar Carport . They are a great way for any business to boost its bottom-line while transitioning to clean energy.
We extend innovative financing models like Opex (zero capital investment), Capex (client owns the power plant) and easy EMIs, to encourage clients to opt for on-site solar.
As more and more businesses look towards renewable sources to cater to diverse energy requirement – it becomes imperative to find dynamic ways to store energy and deploy it across applications. Nitya Power Projects Private Limited offers Innovative solutions including Energy Storage and Floating Solar.
Why Should ‘YOU’ Consider Our On-Site Solar Solutions?
- 20-60% SAVINGS on Electricity Bills Better bottom-line for YOUR BUSINESS
- Clean, green source of Power Better for the ENVIRONMENT
- Zero Investment, Easy to Install, Low Maintenance NO techno-financial risk
- Energy Security, Service & Reliability for 25 years (Plant Lifetime)